It happened. Graduation happened and I can hardly believe it! I have about 2 weeks until I start my new job and it seems like life is just moving so fast! Part of that is scary is but so exciting at the same time. I've heard it said that even though it seems like this is a new "era" of our lives, when I look back these years will more so blend in with those I spent in college. That's a bit depressing to hear just because this seems like a whole new part of my life. And it is but maybe not as much as I think it is. Regardless, I'm pretty excited to see where I end up next. Between now and starting work (and hopefully beyond that) I plan on doing a lot of reading... for fun! Oh how I have missed novels! I even went to the library today and picked out a couple...which was not easy! I wanted to take them all home to read! I thought about starting from the A's and just going through all of them; however, I figured that would take forever and I should just decide to pick out ones I know I'd like and go from there. I love to read and have really missed getting lost in the stories for the past 4 years (so I have read some on breaks, etc..but who am I kidding? I was in college, my textbooks were my novels, sometimes not even then).
Also, I am very excited to be getting involved in my home church more. I absolutely love the family I have there and deisre to serve them better. I went to my first "official" life group with Bita and Rusty last night. I have gone to a lot of their life group activities but last night was the first time I was there on a regular night, participating in the discussion of Sunday's service. It was great! It was so awesome having that fellowship with other young people and to reflect on the Word. I can't wait for more times like this and only hope that those who were not there last night will welcome me just as much.
I have a lot more on my mind I could write but it would not make sense nor be very organized. So we'll stop there for today.
Kennedy's Corner: The BIG FIVE
11 years ago