I have found it very hard to concentrate on job-searching today because of it all.. the Fall like weather that is. I'm pretty good about spending several hours of my day online and focusing on follow-ups and hunting for my next gig but today all I really want to do is listen to the leaves rustling (while drowning out the occasionally loud birds, planes, and car horns) and read a good book.
Any suggestions for a good book by the way? I'm thinking maybe a classic, or a really good mystery (not too scary of course). I miss the Library.
Tomorrow is going to mark Day 1 of a 3 day diet experiment for Chris and I. Not so much for the purpose of losing with fast (although I do need to cut back on my baking. Waist lines can only hold for so many chocolate-chip cookies before expanding another inch.). We have been reading and hearing a lot about fruit diets lately and the huge benefit they're suppose to have. It's supposed to detoxify your body and kid of reset your system I guess. I've read its arguments, though, that since you have a liver and kidneys, your body doesn't really need to detoxify in this way. None-the-less, it's something we're going to try. If anything well just eat really healthy for 3 days and maybe that'll make us (okay, not us... just me) not want to have that popcorn when we go to a movie. I went to Sprouts today and got some fresh fruit and veggies. I expect to feel pretty hungry throughout the day tomorrow but I will stay strong and ignore all the starch and treats in my pantry!
Ask me how we did on Friday.
Also, I think I'm going to start my certification process to become a teacher. This time next year I could be in a classroom of youngsters