We have clearly established my love for Fall. Or, maybe we haven't and my just stating it is clearly establishing it. This Autumn seems like a brand new adventure since I've never lived this season in this particular city. Although it's still an average of 82 degrees outside, there is a fresh, crisp feeling in the air that is delightful when paired with a steamy cup of coffee. Usually, I prefer my coffee a little less than steamy.
I'm not a fan of the 24-hour stay when I burn the tip of my tongue. Chris and I went out on our Autumn-Saturday last weekend and just ventured around. It was fun and proved productive at the same time. He took me to a Christian book store he frequents on his lunch breaks just to show me around. It was large and in charge with much more than books - pastors. Every man in the place looked like a pastor. But that's besides the point. On our way out I saw these:

They came as a set and I loved them as my very own right away. Chris laughed at me and said
"honey" (you know the one, with a sigh but a little laugh because he secretly loves your materialism..). We walked away and I noticed he lingered. I smiled my sneaky smile and he said, we'll get 'em. It was like Christmas early. They're just so darn cute!
Fast-forward to this week. I thought mosquito season was over, but clearly it is not. Chris is the groomsmen for his friend Bryan's wedding (which is this evening) so we had the rehearsal on Thursday night. I sat and waited in the chilly air and while I did, the mosquitoes decided to have round 2 on my legs.
Round 1 was 3 weeks ago while a bunch of us played softball. Mosquito-bite count was 18 red ones. Needless to say, I was up half the night last night itching and applying anti-itch gel. Tonight I think they're going to spray the area before the wedding. Phew. I might still bring my own though. Regardless of whatever irritating insects might be there, Bryan and Tara will have a simply beautiful wedding at the winery... full of twinkle-lights and of course, the wine.
I also have to make a quick plug for the movie,
Life As We Know It
We went to see it last night, and although critics said to "Skip It" I say
See It! I've always liked Katherine Hiegl movies, and this was no different. Bring plenty of tissues and choose good seats (away from noisey families). I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy and this is at the top of the list and hopefully will be in our DVD collection. The movie portrays a difficult life circumstance and shows real emotion, I appreciate that. Maybe the basic emotional/relationship story line is typical but I don't care. Grab the girls and go see it, you won't be disappointed.
If you've seen it and disagree with me, I respect your opinions but also think you're nuts.
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