So now Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is on the way. My husband and I drove to Houston to be with his parents for Thanksgiving this year. It was my first one away from home, and I must say it was a little sad! Thankfully we were able to Skype with my family back home for a little while and see their smiling blurry faces. Loved it. I knew once I got married that holidays would be different - traveling between two families in two far away places (from each other). It's time to start our own traditions as a little family. I can't help but find myself wanting to incorporate ALL of my families traditions with me and Chris. For example: decorating the Christmas tree. If I were home with my sisters and brother-in-law, we would be decorating the Christmas tree the night after Thanksgiving while having egg-nog, Keebler's almond crescent cookies, and most definitely the Christmas tunes. Since we're out of town for a few days, I'm hoping we'll be able to put our tree up on Sunday evening. But I most definitely plan on having those delicious little cookies and the nog. (Sorry Chris, some traditions might take awhile to wear out).
What holiday traditions are you looking forward to? And be honest... how many of you ran out on Black Friday? We went out at noon and found one item we wanted at Kohls. Then we got to the checkout line, decided we would not wait that long, even for $7.99 men's lounge pants, and walked out the doors. As frustrating as those big crowds can be, I'll have to admit, I kind of like it.
And for your absolute enjoyment, my additional plug for those cookies! Trust me, you'll love them: