It was this side of one week ago that Chris and I were sitting on this very couch eating a cheese and roast beef sandwich. Mmmmmm. What's that you say? One week ago today we were a day into our fruit (and veggie) only diet? Oh yeah, about that. . . I have a confession to make.
If I did not know it before, I know it now: I am strongly, wholeheartedly, a meat 'n potatoes kinda gal. So is my husband. Before going on the fruit diet, I read up on it a little bit and a one article said not a lot of people don't make it through the first few days because the hunger and withdrawal from sugar and salt is so strong. I thought, it's just 3 days, it can't be that hard. Besides, I love me some fruit. Well sirs and ma'am s, I am here to tell you that it is pretty tough! My stomach was grumbling most of the day, I had a funny taste in my mouth that wouldn't go away, and had a decent headache for my waking hours. I am by no means saying that fruits and veggies are the big EVIL and we should steer clear of them. We had a nearly tasty dinner of roasted vegetables (I'm not sure if that was cheating or not but surely our acts in the following hour were against the diet rules.) and it was soon after that we decided this diet was not for us. I think we were both waiting for the other one to say "I give up" so the other could follow suit. Since we had no meat in the apartment we hopped in the car and drove to the grocery store where we eagerly purchased a loaf of bread and market-fresh roast beef, sliced as thin as you can go. Diet done. Fifteen minutes later, I had never tasted anything so good.
So my lesson that I already knew but now, really know is that fruit and vegetables are a very important part of your diet and should be integrated heartily. They were integrated heartily into our diets for the rest of the week because my fridge was packed with fresh produce, I was just deciding to have it with a little meat.
I'm still trying to finish the strawberries, but those I could pop like m&m's.
Kennedy's Corner: The BIG FIVE
11 years ago
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