I tend to get very distracted when I blog. Maybe that's why I do it so infrequently. Take this instance for example. I signed on over an hour and a half ago to post about my recent home-deco projects I'm pretty excited about. But then I looked at my blog design,
which of course I haven't looked at in 2 months (as that was my last post), and realized it looked very Fall-ish. Now it's March, I'm enjoying 60-70 degree days and Fall is long gone
(although, my class of 3-year olds are quite confused on the season and month). This aforementioned realization stumbled me into an (apparently) hour-long search for a new template. Being the woman that I am and many of you may be, I changed my mind several times and, of course, ultimately landed on my first choice
(hmmm... sounds suspiciously similar to the process for deciding on an outfit in the morning times.). That brings us to what I was intending to have done and be done with a multitude of minutes ago.
My most recent project! When we moved into our apartment, we had requested they paint the accent wall this gray color. Unfortunately, next to our brown couch, it looked much to green and I just needed to change it. So, six months and one lease-renewal later, I had the opportunity to repaint the eye-sore. Our wonderful maintenance crew obliged me by coming to paint a 1ft. x 3ft. sample of a Marigold paint color on the wall to see if I would like it. It had way too much yellow in it.
(The apartment office gave us very few choices and the Marigold looked more tan on paper. . . should have seen it coming.) To make a long story short, I requested to have another sample painted called Granite Peak, and although it had more of a blue-tint to the gray overtones than I would have expected, I asked for the wall to be painted that Granite Peak! Day one with the wall was a shocker but the color has set in more and now, I absolutely love it! Even though there is more blue tones than I expected, it gives the room a calming feel and compliments decorations in the room I had already.

Here is a picture of that gray/green color that lived on my wall one week ago. Sorry for that light shadow, it's not bad painting, but weird light. Also notice the pictures. Now, this wall is pretty big and as much as I liked having our engagement picture collage
(thank you Amber for the pics and Tabitha for the frames!) hung there, it was too small for the space. It looks a lot smaller in the picture than it actually did.

And here is the beautiful new color! I think in person it looks slightly more blue than this picture, but both are good I think. I debated if I liked it with the brown couch, but decided it wasn't too bad. And yes.. no more engagement pictures. They found a new home to make room for the shelves I've been anxious to put up, along with the leaf-sconces. Both Target purchases that I LOVE! Here is the start of my project:

Measure twice, "cut" (or nail) once is how it goes. For me: Measure 17 times, nail 3 (per hanging).

Almost there! I was laughing that my wall had a face! It reminded me of those commercials where they find happy faces in every day objects.

It's all up! Now for the decorations. I'm sure I'll change them out as I find better things. What I chose to put on the shelves was just what I had around the house. The two frames came with the shelves though! I decided I wanted to put scrapbook paper in them to pull in colors from the living room (our throw pillows, other pictures, etc.).

Not sure about the paper in the frames yet. I had trouble getting a good picture of this to make it not look smaller than it really was and not to look slanted (this wall is angled high so it's tricky in pictures.) Another look:

And finally, a look at both changes of the day! You can see I moved the engagement pictures to the wall on the right. It's right next to our dining room table/kitchen and fits so much better in that space!

One coffee table move later and my project for the day is complete! I love accomplishing a task.
I love the new paint color and I'm so totally flattered that you have my 'work' hanging in your house! I'm so glad you are enjoying those photos!!
The shelves definitely look better on that big wall! Looks great!
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